Friday, September 29, 2006


You may have noticed the trickle of new posts on this blog has dried up completely of late. For this I apologise, as you have undoubtedly been scratching around the rocky outcrop of life, desperately searching for that trickle; that fresh new drop that would quench your intellectual desires and allow you to go back to your grey little lives, content at having connected a few more dots in your ongoing personal rendering of the universe.

But lo, I've been on holiday. Sux to be you.

You may also have noticed that all the poetry is gone from this page. Why? Because poetry, with all its... feelings... and other such nastiness, has transmuted my manliness so irrevocably that shame now pulsates throughout my being like a maggot gestating in rancid meat? A shame so debilitating that I've taken to slamming down beer after beer, dubbing women who spurn my charming advances 'sluts', and displaying my testicles is public, all in order to reclaim some vestige of my masculinity? Well, no. I simply felt that these silly little rants and the poems (potentially) appeal to quite different audiences. All the poems have found a new home, here. Unfortunately, in moving them I lost all the lovely comments people have left over the last few months. Feel free to visit 'Crisis Poetry' and praise me anew.

So after sweeping out the trash, this page will hopefully be more appealing for those that enjoy slanted, manipulative, factually spurious political commentary. For those nancys among you that enjoy reading poetry and hugging puppies and such, go here.

This page will be reserved primarily for a man and his beefs, and I've got so many right now I might catch Mad Cow disease: The Iraq war's (US) half-trillion dollar price tag; President Bush, in his ongoing battle to legalise torture, bemoaning the US Supreme Court's decision to enforce the Geneva Convention's ban on "outrages upon human dignity", claiming this particular ban is: "...very vague. What does that mean?... it's a statement wide open to interpretation"; the local media's coverage (read: corpse raping) after Steve Irwin's death; McDonald's insultingly congenial 'we use real beef' ads... the list goes on. But such things are for another time. For now, let us leave now on a sunny note - Summer's almost here, birds are chirping... It just makes me feel like dancing:

Dedicated to Sandy's recent adventures. As a friend said: "India: No drugs required".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bap here ...

that clip is just ... disturbing. I felt kinda ill watching it. Is it a midget, or a kid? And why?


3:47 PM  
Blogger Mr Crisotunity said...

I know. Weeeeeird. I assume it's a midget. Indicitive of the high class entertainment we provide here at Crisotunity.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Flex said...

Ahh, my thirst is quenched at last. Even with the amazingly colourful life I've been living in the Frnch Alps your writing still brings such joy. Or perhaps it's just that it's the only English I've seen for a couple of weeks.

That clip was awesome! Have I been away too long such that I now find "disturbing" and "weird" clips perfectly normal and entertaining?

Can I put a request in for a rant on the Steve Irwin media frenzy? I've seen absolutely nothing about it here in France, they haven't even heard of him. I did find out about it from a travelling American though, he was completely devestated. I think they loved him more over there than Australia.

6:24 AM  

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